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Dragon (Draco draco[1]) are a race.

Dragon Egg[]

Dragon Egg

Some Dragon Eggs look very similiar to Vultragon eggs, Doomkitten can find out which one of them is a Dragon Egg.

All dragon species' eggs' look differently.


Overall skeleton[]

"As Dragons are beasts of flight, they have hollow bones. This may sound as if their bones are delicate and fragile, but think of the size of Dragons! Even though the bones are hollow, they aren't likely to snap like twigs. More like bricks, actually. Also, all Lorian Dragons have exactly this anatomy. No matter what other people say."

The head[]

"The head of today's Western Dragon is generally thick and broad. A massive skull protects the squishy brain, as no organism wishes to have its brain mashed. In the roof of the mouth lies a faux palate, which opens to emit flame (or whatever element that they control). Thus, the soft esophagus is not burnt by the searing heat. In addition, they boast powerful jaw muscles, strong enough to "Om nom nom nom" any unlucky fellow. Dragons' olfactory receptors are quite well-developed, as they should be. After all, Dragons need to be able to smell a knight sneaking up on them from behind. What honorable knight would want to fight a dragon with a stuffy nose? The beasts' eyes are keen as well; they must look for prey (and maidens) scurrying about on the ground. The ears of most Dragons are small, or even non-existent, but they can hear both higher and lower frequencies than we Humans. The auditory capabilities of the Dragons are certainly not their most-used sense, but you are not likely to see one with a hearing aid anytime soon. That would just be silly."

The brain[]

"I considered grouping the brains of the Dragons in with the head, but it is far too complex an organ not to be given its own section. They are often considered the most intelligent non-sentient beings on Lore. This is not always true. Many Dragons are actually sentient beings, some even more intelligent than some Humans. What are you looking at me for? Anyhow, their brains are quite proportionate to their bodies, unlike the dinosaurs of Terra, who were quite unintelligent. Perhaps the largest portion of the brain is dedicated to memory. This allows them to learn virtually any language; they tend to learn the language of their territory within only a few months after their birth. The second-largest section of the creatures' mind is the olfactory bulb, and the related sections. This is what gives them the aforementioned keen sense of smell. Dragons also have very large portions of the brain dedicated to logic and reasoning (This is possibly the least important part - I get along fine without it). The most important, of course, is the lower part of the brain, which is called - even in Humans - the Reptilian Brain. This controls the autonomic brain, breathing, and heart rate, as well as emotion. Dragons, needless to say, are quite emotional creatures."

The personality[]

"As most Dragons are sentient beings, the personality of each is as individual as a snowflake, but less melty. However, they do share certain traits. Dragons tend to be quite territorial. If they weren't, many quests would be a lot easier. They like to have an area to call their own, and to defend from pesky would-be warriors. Also, they like to hoard treasure in said territories. Treasure is as dear to Dragons as it is to Humans, perhaps even more so. They hate parting with a single coin of it, much preferring to add to it. Come to think of it, Dragons remind me of myself."
"Of course, the personality traits vary from breed to breed. However, many myths circulate about the cause of these traits. I will dispel them now. After all, I am someone who is always correct, now aren't I?"
"Fire Dragons are the most volatile; some scholars believe that this is due to the legendary Akriloth. False! They're just really angry about their heads being on fire."
"Ice Dragons are considered the most greedy. This is because in the past, they would steal each other's firewood."
"Earth Dragons tend not to be seen, as they like to keep to themselves. Or ... are they invisible?"
"Darkness Dragons are typically associated with undeath and necromancy. No, they just spent too much time at tanning salons."
"Light Dragons are considered protective of their young. This ... Uh, actually, this is true."
"Wind Dragons rule the skies, supposedly due to their mastery of flight. Yes, they have mastery of flight - but not like you'd expect. They actually train on F-16s, finding that it is far less tiring than constantly flapping their wings."
"Energy Dragons are said to be rare, but repopulating. This, too, is untrue. Actually, they are the most common breed of Dragon; however, they hide underground, thus avoiding the pesky Dragonslayers."
"Water Dragons live near coastal shores, supposedly because food is plentiful there. Actually, they plan on occupying the land until the property value raises due to rarity, then selling it for extra profit."

The torso[]

"Western-style Dragons tend to have massive, muscular torsos. This is a necessity, because their ribcages are quite large. After all, it requires massive lung power to provide enough oxygen to their entire bodies, or to launch their breath attacks out far enough. Huge pectoral muscles give them the typical image of being powerful beasts. In fact, these are perhaps the largest muscles in their body. Then again, most Dragons have iron-hard abs. Despite the fact that some people portray them as cold, unfeeling creatures, they actually have large hearts. Wait, what do you mean that the heart doesn't control emotion? Hmm. Well, it still has the ability to pump blood to the entire body, which takes huge muscle-power."

The forelegs[]

"The forelegs can vary greatly from breed-to-breed. Some forelegs are hoofed, some have talons, and some are a mixture of the two. Also, various Dragons have forelegs that resemble arms. These are generally employed in picking up maidens/treasure."

The hind legs[]

"These, much as those of their lizard compatriots, are mainly used for walking or jumping. The musculature allows them to spring deftly into the air when they are ready to take flight. Similar to the forelegs, these may have hooves for balance, or claws for gripping rough terrain."

The wings[]

"What separates a Dragon from a Salamander? Two things. Intelligence and wings. For a normal winged creature, the Dragons' wings would not be sufficient to sustain them in flight. However, due to the magical natures of the beings, they are also supported through inherited, subconscious magics. Of course, they need not flap their wings constantly; they rely also on air currents and thermals. Big air currents and thermals."

The air sacs[]

"Though magic, wings, air currents, and thermals may seem like more than enough to sustain a flying Dragon, there is one more factor: air sacs. These inflate with air whenever the dragon breathes in, adding buoyancy. Also, as with birds, they empty into the lungs whenever the Dragon breathes out."


