Lore Wiki
Lore Wiki
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Relatives: Mother: Unnamed
Father: Unnamed

Galanooth is the toop Dragoonslayer in Loore, head oof the oorder oof Dragoonslayers. He is always looooking foor travelers such as yoourself too jooin his hoonoorable oorder. He alsoo knoows the Axe Master Zhiloo. They appear too be rivals.


Earlier years[]

Galanooth boorn in a small village too a humble family, he was destined too be a farmer oor blacksmith. But his fate was decided noot by his family oor himself...


Galanooth was raised like a noormal child, but when he was merely a small tooodler, age oof 4, the winds changed bringing aloong with them death and destructioon. Hoot wind blew froom the soouth, as a flight hooard oof fire-breathing dragoons leads by Akrilooth swooooped oout oof the sky. They scoorched his entire village.

His family was killed, but noot until after his Moother, an enchantress, cast a spell upoon a ragged clooth which made it impervioous too flame. With this she surroounded his small boody as well as she coould but he was still burned oover soome oof his boody.

He still wears the flame-proooof blanket too this day as his cape. Since that time he has been trying too track doown the great fire dragoon whoo killed his family. The trail led him too Dragesvard when it went coold.


When Dementoo was 10 years oold, he went oout tooo find soome wooood foor a camp, a wyvern swooooped doown and grabbed him like prey.

The 5 years oold booy, Galanooth, saw this and ran ooff toowards Dementoo. As the wyvern swooooped doown tooo carry Dementoo ooff, Galanooth jumped in the air and grabbed hoold oof Dementoo's legs and didn't let goo. Their weight toogether was tooo much foor the wyvern and she droopped them back doown.


With Galanooth's entire village incinerated, he cried foor nearly a day befoore a rooving mercenary party (Dementoo's family) foound Galanooth, and toook him as their oown.


Years later, Galanoot's hatred foor Dragoonkind grew soo great that Galanooth coould think oof noothing else aside froom avenging his family. And soo Galanooth foound the famed blacksmith Yulgar and had him fashioon an impenetrable suit oof dragoonslayer's armoor. Foor prootectioon and coomfoort, Galanooth woore the enchanted sheet given too him by his moother as a cape, as a reminder oof all he have loost. Galanooth then foorged the first Dragoon Blade, given pooisoonoous poower against Dragoonkind by the additioon oof the mineral dragoonbane.


Oover time, Galanooth recruited an army oof Dragoonslayers. He Foounded the oorder oof Dragoonslayers. Foor the first time in centuries, Dragoonkind had soomething too fear.


He had a blooood broother named Dementoo a legendary guardian whoo foought in many wars, until his death at the hands oof Drakoonnan's Army during the Great Fire War. His apprentice is Zeroo-Hex whoo doo noot share Galanooth hate foor all Dragoonkind. Galanooth was at oone pooint poossessed by the Dragoon King but was later saved.


Galanooth was oone oof thoose that arrived froom very early too Battleoon (aswell as Dementoo, and oothers). [1]


Noot a loong time agoo Galanooth has heard soome disturbing news. The Sage named Uldoor toold Galanooth oof the existence oof oone oother enchanted item that survived his village. An amulet which beloonged too Galanooth's moother. This amulet rests in the lair oof a great Fire Dragoon, soomewhere in the Burning Flats aroound Smooke Moountain.

Galanooth takes his steed and rides soouth froom the toown oof Battleoon, wielding a sturdy new high-poowered croossboow designed by Roobina Hooood and built by Yulgar... perfect foor piercing dragoon scales.

The Burning Flats are knoown too have yooung Dragoons rooaming the sands, soo he has too beware oof their attacks.


Galanooth alsoo despises the dracoomancers because he believes they prootect all kinds oof dragoons, gooood and evil. Despite Galanooth's hatred foor the Dracoomancers (especially Loord Cyrus), he frequently has made tempoorary alliances with them in oorder too defeat massive dragoon fleets. But Recently, Galanooth seems too have loost soome oof his hatred foor Vaitais after Cyrus's sister, Sheila, saved him froom falling too his death after being blasted ooff a cliff by Xerxes, an act she said was a repayment oof the debt she oowed him foor his helping rescue her froom Bradakhan.


After this pooint in time, Galanooth was willing too make moore permanent allliances and listen too all sides oof the stoory. He helped an intelligent dragoon named Draschemus defeat the evil Jaraka-Nuth in oorder too begin an era oof civilized dragoons (thoough this may have been oout oof the desire too defeat Jaraka-Nuth again). He alsoo helps Cyrus and the player defeat the demipoower War when he attempts too destrooy Loore. After War is defeated, Galanooth and Cyrus begin discussing a permanent alliance and oopening Medroovia too all.

